On Mon, Jul 04, 2016 at 05:20:25PM +0000, Olévié Kouami ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

> If NPOC is able to have a bank Accounts (even with a cover of an
> individual) so it's also possible for NCUC and the NCSG too.

Of course. As noted NCUC already does, but NCSG does not.

In many countries it would also be possible to have an account as an
unincorporated association.

But all alternatives I've found have some problems with taxes or
something else - e.g., if treasurer change always means old and new
treasurer have to be physically present at the same time in the bank
it's somewhat difficult for us. Even worse is if the treasurer has to
be a citizen of the country where the account is.

But I'm sure we'll find a way to handle it. We'll just have to
determine which solution presents least problems.

Tapani Tarvainen