On 22-Aug-16 12:33, Tapani Tarvainen wrote:
> I do see some people want to be able to cast negative votes so to
> speak and think NOTA is the way it could be done, but I don't agree
> with that.

That is the way it has been done until now.

If you or the EC had wanted to change that, you should have discussed
with it the membership instead of just doing it.

> But we're presently discussing this in NCSG EC and if it decides
> that new ballots need to be issued, we will do that.

As long as the NCSG body politic agrees, that is.

At this point getting a sufficient group together to challenge an EC
decision seems quite possible.

If it is not changed to the prior understanding for all elections in the
NCSG to date, I will recommend a challenge. 


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