Thanks Tapani,
Voted already. But would have loved to have more candidates rather than having the number of candidates matching with the number of positions. It would have been more fun :)

*Arsène Tungali*
Co-Founder & Executive Director, Rudi international,
CEO, Smart Services Sarl, Mabingwa Forum
Tel: +243 993810967
GPG: 523644A0
Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo

2016-08-22 11:18 GMT+02:00 Tapani Tarvainen <[log in to unmask]>:
Dear all,

Voting has started on NCSG annual elections.

If you checked in on time, you should have received or receive soon
your individual ballot message from [log in to unmask] with subject

"Ballot ID and URL for Election: 'NCSG Chair/GNSO Councillors election 2016'"

If you don't see it, look at your spam folders first.

The message contains an URL directing you to your individual ballot
(do not share it with anyone else).

Following it you'll get to the page where you can indicate who
you want to vote for: first Chair, then Councillors.

Tick the ones you like and click "Submit ballot".

If you change your mind you can do so simply by voting again:
only the last one will be counted.

Voting period ends on September 4 - make sure you vote before that.

If you have any questions about the process, please do not hesitate to

Tapani Tarvainen
NCSG Chair