Hi Klaus,

> On Aug 22, 2016, at 10:44 PM, Klaus Stoll <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear Amr
> I thought I explained this several times today and did not want to repeat myself. I am not against the use of nota, I am against the use of nota in order to prevent a candidate that is on the ballot.

But that is the essence of the disagreement in our two views. NOTA is there specifically to challenge a candidate that is on the ballot, especially if he/she is running for an uncontested seat. No misunderstanding on my part.

> I can feel your pain but as long as we keep having this kind of discussions like today, people will think twice if they put themselves up as a candidate.

I’m not sure about that, but if true, I don’t see it to be a good enough reason to stay quiet on the topic.

> What we need is fundamental charter changes and fundamental changes in our culture of working together.

I don’t disagree, for many reasons beyond this current topic, but again…, it doesn’t change my view that the election process this time around, as has been explained to us, is in direct violation of our charter. If changes to the practice adopted by the EC over the past number of years is to be changed, then the burden to get the EC’s full consensus on making changes is on those who wish it changed. Not the other way around.

Thanks for continuing the dialogue, Klaus.
