Avri & "The Group of 21"

There has been a lot of back and forth about what exactly is being done 
wrong, or being done right,
in this election process. In your appeal you write:

/"Without any notice to the membership or the Executive Committee, the 
NCSG Chair changed//
//the longstanding interpretation of the election rules, causing 
confusion among the membership//
//once the ballot was released"//
I agree that there is much confusion so could you expand on your appeal 
and spell out in a few words
what exactly what the longstanding interpretation and what change 
violated that interpretation.
I am not asking about the merits of either approach, only for clarity 
about the nature of the change.

Sam L. NPOC/csih

On 8/23/2016 10:44 AM, avri doria wrote:
> NCSG colleagues,
> *Pursuant to Section of NCSG’s Charter, the NCSG Members
> signed***in the enclosed***hereby initiate an appeal of the NCSG EC
> decision to refuse to fix the contested ballots and properly clarify the
> election process before proceeding.*
> Thank you,
> Avri Doria
> on behalf of the 21 members who signed the appeal*
> ***