This week, United Nations release a survey assessing how governments are using the internet to provide information and services, and how this can be a powerful tool for meeting the ambitious targets on sustainable development agreed by world leaders at the UN in New York last year. We note in this report that Australia, the UK and South Korea are world leaders in using e-government to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. On cyberpolitics; allegations the Russian government hacked the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Democratic Congresssional Campaign Committe (DCCC), and the Hilary Clinton campaign have generated intense attention, especially concerning the implications of possible Russian efforts to use the fruits of cyber espionage to influence the U.S election. On data protection, since August 01, several companies already reportedly self-certified under the Privacy Shield framework but no certifications has been yet approved by the U.S. International Trade Administration. Reagarding domain name " U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit issued its decision in Weinstein vs. Iran, a case in which families of terror victims sought to have ICANN turn over control of Iran's .IR ccTLD to plaintiffs". On Internet population, China has 710 million internet users as of June, accounting for 51.7 percent of its total population, exceeding the global average by 3.1 percent, according to an official report released by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) on Wednesday.
Below, informations on those subjects as well as documents on data protection, net neutrality, domain name, internet of things, etc...

See IG weekly review in full here



Mamadou LO

Chef du Département Communication et Information Documentaire
Head of Communication and Information Department
Crédit Agricole Sénégal
Tel : 221 77 645 59 57