Dear EC members,
Please apologize me because I have losted my mobile phone (and of course my agenda), also I have been traveling between cities because my job and I've missed some of our meetings. I hope to reorganize my agenda very soon to be helpful for this constituency. As many of you knew I was without Internet access some days ago. 

I am interested on create a Call for Communications Committee membership. I am concerned about website login and social media accounts. 

Best Regards,
Comunicador Social  
Presidente - AGEIA DENSI Colombia
Communications Chair 
Non-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC) - ICANN
Master IT candidate, Universidad de los Andes

Cel. +57 3167543786
Twitter: @JmanuRojas


El Martes, 13 de septiembre, 2016 10:24:02, Klaus Stoll <[log in to unmask]> escribió:

Dear NCSG Members

I just want you to know that NPOC has also started the process of its
charter revision. We will inform you about the details soonest.

I think that the charters of NCUC, NPOC and the NCSG are interdependent.
It is good that NCUC and NPOC have started the process. I think it would
be great if NCSG would start the process too and that we will find some
formal arrangements so that the different review teams talk and
co-ordinate with each others. If you have any suggestions in regard to
establish co-ordination, let's hear it.

