?I've attached a copy of the General Accountability Office (GAO) report dated yesterday, and released today, regarding U.S. government property rights relating to the transition. The report concludes that  NO property rights will be involved in the IANA transition, thus depriving opponents of the transition one of their principle means of delaying or stopping it. With specific regards to the subject matter of the transition, if the GAO is correct,  Congress may be said to have no authority. That stated, this was far from the only basis of Congressional interest in the matter and it is unlikely to stop efforts to delay or stop the transition from proceeding as scheduled on October 1st.
I will note that the GAO emphasised the limited nature of their opinion and under the American system of governance the courts, not a federal government agency, will be dispositive of this matter. Although a major victory for pro-transition forces and for the Obama administration it isn't the last word on the matter. It is, however, a fairly good indication of where jurisprudence currently stands and is a good indication of how the courts, should the matter be brought before them, will eventually rule. 
Kind Regards,
Ed Morris