On 02-Sep-16 05:53, Marilia Maciel wrote:
> 2. Two members (primary and alternate) to the GNSO Review Working Group
> This is call for volunteers who would be willing to serve on these
> positions. Statements of Interest should be sent to the NCSG list
> until the *_4th of September 23:59 UTC_*. Please on the subject line:
> "SOI [your name] CSCG" or "SOI [your name] GNSO review".

I have signed up as a participant.   If after the all the other slots
in  NCUC, NPOC and NCSG have been filled, there is an alternate slot
open, I am more than happy to function as an alternate.

My reasons for participating are i am a process junkie and i really like
the GNSO and want to see it work well; transparently, accountably,
fairly &c.



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