Hi again,

Steve Metalitz of the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) circulated a minority statement to the Bylaws DT list that he asked to be forwarded to the GNSO Council on behalf of the three Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG) constituencies. I’ve attached it to this email. It concerns the DT’s majority view to grant Council the role of acting on behalf the GNSO as a decisional participant in the EC.

Personally, I don’t find anything in the minority statement that adds to the arguments presented on behalf of the minority group within the DT that wasn’t already included in the DT’s final report. Speaking for myself, I believe the CSG constituencies have been rather unhelpful on this topic while working on the DT. Instead of focusing on the mandate of the DT, they took the opportunity to raise points that are likely more relevant to their ongoing desire to restructure the GNSO, and do away with the bicameral House structure it uses. I also believe the DT, over the past seven weeks, has wasted precious time negotiating edits to the report in order to prevent overrepresentation of the minority view compared to the overall DT consensus. This was, at times, frustrating, but I’m not unhappy with the final result.

The DT’s report, recommendations and minority statement will be discussed during today’s Council call. There is a placeholder motion to adopt the DT’s work, but given the timing of the DT’s conclusion of its work, I believe this motion should and will be deferred.

If you’d like to listen in on the Council call, you should be able to do so using a live audio stream here: http://stream.icann.org:8000/stream01.m3u. It begins in about an hour at UTC 12:00.

