Dear all,

Apologies for crossposting

Upcoming deadline: November 20 - Scholarships Virtual Institute online course on trade and gender

Only 10 more days to apply for the upcoming edition of the Vi online course on trade and gender!

Scheduled for January 9 to February 26, the course is open to academics (from universities and research centres), policymakers and representatives of civil society in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Applicants must hold a Master's degree in economics, law, political science or related area. Excellent English skills are also required. Qualified women candidates are particularly encouraged to apply. 

Thanks to the support from the Governments of Finland and Sweden, the selected participants will be exempt from the fees associated with access to the course and the e-tutoring services provided. Participants will also receive the course materials on DVD free-of-charge.

For more details and to apply, visit:

The deadline for applications is 20 November 2016.

We do hope that you will find this course of interest and would be most grateful if you could kindly disseminate the information about it to relevant audiences in your countries.

For further information, please contact:

Ms. Simonetta Zarrilli 
Chief, Trade, Gender and Development Programme 
Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities, UNCTAD 
E-mail: [log in to unmask]

I hope you find this information useful, and look forward to seeing many of you in the course.

Best regards,

Susana Olivares
Virtual Institute
UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Division on Globalization and Development Strategies
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10 - Switzerland

E-government and Open Government Data Platforms Specialist
National Information Technology Agency (NITA)/
Ghana Open Data Initiative Project.
ICANN Fellow / Member, UN IGF MAG Member, ISOC Member,
Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) Member, Diplo Foundation Member,
OGP Open Data WG Member, GODAN Memember, ITAG Member