
I may have misread the comment accompanying Hobart (Tazmania)
and the aside accompanying Nu'uk (Greenland)
If so, I stand reprimanded and corrected.


On 11/30/2016 7:37 PM, Ayden Férdeline wrote:
> Sam,
> I don't think it was clear at all that some locations were said 
> "almost in jest". What was made clear, however, on page 14 
> <https://community.icann.org/display/ncph/Planning+-+Intersessional+2017%3A+Call+details%2C+recordings%2C+transcripts?preview=/63144502/63150133/transcript_ncphpc_291116.pdf> 
> of the transcript, was the instruction to, "Please type [locations] 
> into the chat. No tongue in cheek suggestions, please, because we 
> can’t see or hear your tone when you're typing that in." If that 
> instruction was ignored and our representatives on the call did 
> instead suggest cities not well suited to hosting a meeting such as 
> this one, I'm not sure who they thought they were serving.
> Ayden Férdeline
> linkedin.com/in/ferdeline <http://www.linkedin.com/in/ferdeline>