
I may have misread the comment accompanying Hobart (Tazmania)
and the aside accompanying Nu'uk (Greenland)
If so, I stand reprimanded and corrected.


On 11/30/2016 7:37 PM, Ayden Férdeline wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">

I don't think it was clear at all that some locations were said "almost in jest". What was made clear, however, on page 14 of the transcript, was the instruction to, "Please type [locations] into the chat. No tongue in cheek suggestions, please, because we can’t see or hear your tone when you're typing that in." If that instruction was ignored and our representatives on the call did instead suggest cities not well suited to hosting a meeting such as this one, I'm not sure who they thought they were serving.

Ayden Férdeline