
On Tuesday, January 24, 2017, Florian Daniel <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
+1 for William and his Cybersecurity idea! 
It would be great to bring some goverment folks together with NCSG members and someone from the big cybersecurity companies. That should promise some interesting discussions. If we would go forward with this idea, I would be happy to help organizing.



On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 8:43 AM, William Drake <[log in to unmask]');" target="_blank">[log in to unmask]> wrote:
her juicy one might be ‘cybersecurity’, which the ITU and may governments have construed as being entirely outside the realm of Internet governance and therefore something the ITU can lay claim to; SSAC-type issues could be highlighted to show that multistakeholder solutions are an important part of the mix.  In contrast, deep dives on individual ICANN issues like RDS are important to us but may be less likely to draw in the folks who a) have no idea what such issues mean and why they matter, and b) could use some exposure to the ‘alternative facts’ they believe that might help broaden their perspectives.

Of course it doesn’t have to be either/or, NCSG and its constituencies could propose several workshops and see which the MAG accepts.  We’ve had pretty good luck thus far, at least I don’t recall a NCSG or NCUC proposal ever being turned down, so more than one bite at the apple is possible.

Florian DANIEL

Sonnenweg 6
4280 Königswiesen
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+43660 36 80 504

E-government and Open Government Data Platforms Specialist
National Information Technology Agency (NITA)/
Ghana Open Data Initiative Project.
ICANN Fellow / Member, UN IGF MAG Member, ISOC Member,
Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) Member, Diplo Foundation Member,
OGP Open Data WG Member, GODAN Memember, ITAG Member