For urgent discussion — from the below email it appears the nomination process for the 14th board seat has already opened, before we have an agreed timeline and selection process.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Ncph-intersessional2017] Board Seat Selection Process
Local Time: 20 February 2017 5:12 AM
UTC Time: 20 February 2017 05:12
From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]


We probably need a different mailing list to finish working on the Board Seat selection process, and a small group to do it, but I'll start here, since I think this is the only active mailing list with both sides of the NCPH on it.

We basically have no time to work this out, and we've already started the process without knowing what it is exactly, since we have now received nominations.

In addition to the adaptation of the CPH procedures previously circulated, I'm also attaching the following for consideration:

1. Some bullet-points from an exchange between CSG and NCSG representatives outlining a potential draft process.
2. The latest version of the ICANN Staff Memo with a revised draft timeline and some relevant excerpts from Bylaws and GNSO Procedures.
3. A further excerpt from the Bylaws, with Section 11.3(f), which covers the selection process for Seats 13-14 (to the extent that is covered in the Bylaws), and Section 11.3(h), which is referred to in Section 11.3(f).

A few thoughts and comments:

A. We only have 10 1/2 weeks to both develop and go through a process that is contemplated to take 21 weeks (just to go through). Talk about building the airplane in the air.

B. At the Intersessional, we discussed possible adjustments to the timeline, but did not come to any decisions. It's not clear to me whether Staff is preparing a further revised draft. I'll ask.

C. If any of our groups have not already done so, we should put out a call for any other nominations ASAP (though it would be nice to know the end of the nomination period).

D. Without making any judgments, the CPH process and the NCPH bullet-points are significantly different when it comes to voting.

E. We should figure out how to get this process agreed as quickly as possible. Given the unusual circumstances, we don't need to use this process as precedent for any future process. We just need to get through this selection. One approach is for NCSG to respond to the draft sent at the end of the Intersessional. However, given the gap between that and the bullet-points, it might just be better to arrange a call/Adobe Connect session ASAP to move the ball forward.

Thanks for reading,


P.S. It's not all that important how we got here, but nonetheless, it should be noted that the GNSO Procedures were never updated from 2012, when the Bylaws deadline for naming the Director was changed from one month to two months (briefly) and then six months prior to being seated. (The GNSO Procedures will need to be updated in any event, since the Bylaws references are now obsolete.)) The draft bullet-points repeated this error.

B. Since we are doing this with very little time

[]Greg Shatan
C: 917-816-6428
S: gsshatan
Phone-to-Skype: 646-845-9428
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Greg Shatan <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 5:28 AM
Subject: Discussion Draft of Interim Board Selection Process
To: [log in to unmask]

NCSG/NCUC/NPOC Intersessional Participants,

The CSG prepared a "discussion draft" of a proposed interim Board Selection Process based closely on the Final Process adopted by the Contracted Parties House. Clean and marked drafts are attached, showing changes from the CPH document.

A Google Docs version can be found here, where any suggested changes can be added in "suggest" mode (but everyone has "edit" rights):

We would hope to use this for the current 2017 Board Seat process and then revisit afterward before making it a permanent rather than "interim" process.

This has not been reviewed by the membership of the IPC, BC and ISPCP, but we wanted to start the discussion on this basis, given the short amount of time we have for this year.

We look forward to your thoughts.


Greg (on behalf of BC/IPC/ISPCP Intersessional Teams)

[]Greg Shatan
C: [917-816-6428](tel:(917)%20816-6428)
S: gsshatan
Phone-to-Skype: [646-845-9428](tel:(646)%20845-9428)
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