Hi Julia! 

I believe we met last year during LACIGF, nice to hear back from you! 

Both initiatives seem to be very interesting and suitable for nomination - amazing! 

This morning we received news that made us very happy: the government of Colombia translated some of the info about the program to Spanish and posted it at the Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones website

As for the submissions, despite the fact that the form is in English, the nomination can be submitted in Spanish. Either way I would be happy to help! 


2017-04-17 18:41 GMT-03:00 María Julia Morales González <[log in to unmask]>:
Thanks, Ayden.

Hi Bruna, I´m Julia to Uruguay a researcher at the University of Republic.

I´m thinking of two young women (21 years old) who are leading two different projects to apply for them. Both projects that through the Internet for changing their context, in 1 case a collaborative work platform for study, and pre-professional practice and an other case a platform at University political participation.

Both have had various obstacles, especially in the university (teachers) cultural changes they generate and in the breakdown of some status quo, at least as seen by the "others" but the have gone ahead.

They are relatively young projects, have the oldest 2 years approximately.

Sorry for my english, please; but I would like to accept your offer to complete the forms in english.


2017-04-13 13:37 GMT-03:00 Ayden Férdeline <[log in to unmask]>:
Greetings all,

Sharing the below email with permission. 

The Internet Society is looking for 25 people aged under 25 who are making a difference in their communities through the Internet (see: https://www.internetsociety.org/25th/25-under-25). Please consider nominating anyone you know who meets the criteria. 

From what I understand, there has yet to be an individual from Latin America nominated. I hope someone on our mailing list will be able to change that. You can submit nominations in English, French, or Spanish until the end of May. 

Thanks and best wishes,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: "25 Under 25" - Request
Local Time: 10 April 2017 9:58 PM
UTC Time: 10 April 2017 20:58
To: Toral Cowieson <[log in to unmask]>
Kellee Elkins <[log in to unmask]>

Dear All,

Hope this finds you well!

As you may know, ISOC is seeking 25 people under 25 who are using the Internet to make a difference in their communities. More information can be found here: https://www.internetsociety.org/25th/25-under-25

In parallel, we are also launching a “Listening Campaign” to survey youth about how the Internet makes a difference in their communities.

Would you be able to help?
- On Thursday, 13 April we will have a call to learn and share some best practices to most effectively get the word out. We have about 20 qualified applications so far and are seeking 150+ by 31 May.
- If you are not able to join the call, would you help us share via your social media channels? We’ll send further details after the call.

Thanks so much in advance. You will shortly see a Zoom invitation

Toral Cowieson
Sr. Director, Internet Leadership
Global Engagement Team
Twitter: @tdcowieson

Mag. Ma. Julia Morales
Investigadora en el ObservaTIC
Docente - UDELAR

Bruna Martins dos Santos 

LLB, Centro Universitário de Brasilia, '12.
+55 61 99252-6512
Skype ID: bruna.martinsantos