Hi all,

I was wondering if you have been discussing the urgent disclosure request (for domain name registrants sensitive data) coming from GAC and what your opinion is. Please let us know on this thread I am not subscribed to the policy committee thread. 

Here is their letter back in August to ICANN Board of Directors: https://gac.icann.org/advice/correspondence/outgoing/public/gac-to-board-registration-data-urgent-requests-23aug23.pdf?language_id=7

Best regards, 

On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 4:32 AM farzaneh badii <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear members 

Today GNSO council meeting will have a meeting with the GAC and one of the issues on the agenda is “urgent whois requests”.

The GNSO councillors and us have to pay close attention to this issue and make sure GAC/public safety groups are not given access to registrants sensitive private information without following minimum due process and through arbitrary categories like “urgent requests”.

I am interested in knowing what our councillors think. 

This will take place at 13.00 UTC and here is the Zoom link: 
Zoom Meeting Link: https://icann.zoom.us/j/92970304608?pwd=ajlacWVkK2l3TDNNcDRoYlA1Vlg1dz09

Best regards 
