Fully Concur Farzaneh,

It's a brilliant idea and others similar should also be turned to a blog, Kudos Ephraim for putting this together.

Thank you
Poncelet O. Ileleji
Jokkolabs Banjul -  Lead / CEO
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KMC, The Gambia
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Twitter: @jBanjul

On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 5:40 PM farzaneh badii <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Thank you Ephraim.

I am going to turn this into a blog. If the policy committee and NCSG decides to turn it into a letter getting broader feedback from the membership and send it to the board that would be great. 

Policy Committee can you please have a look at this? 


On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 11:17 AM Ephraim Percy Kenyanito <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Awesome stuff Farzaneh!


Best Regards,

Ephraim Percy Kenyanito
Public Policy Specialist/ Regulatory Affairs Specialist/ Project Manager-
International Trade, Technology, Media & Telecommunications Laws

Website: https://ekenyanito.com/
Twitter: @ekenyanito
PGP Fingerprint: B0FA394AF73DEB7AA1FDC7360CFED26DE6BA8DC1

On Sun, 17 Dec 2023 at 02:46, farzaneh badii <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I have started doing HRIA on GAC Communiques. I started with a Communique in Cancun. 

If NCSG and NCSG Policy Committee wants to, they can send this (with amendments and comments) as a letter to the Board. I am hopefully going to periodically do that and the next one is the GAC communique on urgent requests. Link to document to comment on: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kmXgKaob7lIULB_6dXIepeZ7l2e6AzAJcfzAhuBKSEg/edit?usp=sharing

The text: 

Governments asking for confidentiality of law enforcement requests for access to domain name registrants personal, private data: A human rights impact assessment 

WHOIS Disclosure System

a. The GAC advises the Board:

i. To direct ICANN org to promptly engage with the PSWG to identify and advance

solutions for confidentiality of law enforcement requests so as not to preclude

participation by law enforcement requesters when measuring usage of the WHOIS

Disclosure System.

Governmental Advisory Committee/ Cancun, Mexico, 2023

Sources used: Business Social Responsibility Rapid Human Rights Assessment: https://www.bsr.org/files/BSR-Rapid-HRDD-Political-Armed-Conflict-Tool.pdf

Rapid human rights impact assessment: 

The situation: WHOIS is the directory that includes the domain name registrants private, personal, sensitive data such as phone numbers, physical addresses and email addresses. Domain name owners can set up websites around the world. This database was public and accessible for years until General Data Protection Regulation came into effect which required redaction of data. However, GDPR also had provisions for disclosing the private data to third parties with a legitimate purpose. GDPR is vague on how such disclosure can take place. 

Rightsholders: Rightsholders in this situation are domain name registrants. 

Impacted vulnerable communities: potential impacted communities can be minority groups that discuss sensitive issues on their blog that are unfairly illegal in their countries. Such as minority religious groups, minority political oppositions and others. 

What is the severity of the actual or potential human rights impact? 

Unfair arrest, potential imprisonment, illegal house raids, cruel punishments 

What are the potential long-term implications of the situation?

Decrease in use of domain names and public websites for exercising fundamental rights 

Inaccuracy of the database 

Peer companies that are taking action that the company can consult with directly?

Regional Internet Registries that have similar WHOIS databases do not make the requests confidential, they report on which countries asked for the data in their transparency reports (See RIPE NCC) https://www.ripe.net/publications/lea-documents

What can ICANN do to avoid, prevent, or mitigate the actual or potential human rights impacts?

ICANN should not grant law enforcement agencies the option to seek disclosure of data confidentially from the registrars. 
