Hello NCSG

Last year the commercial stakeholder group and the noncommercial
stakeholder group had to engage with the process of appointing or
re-appointing the Noncontracted Party's House ICANN Board member. We are
seeking feedback from the Noncommercial Stakeholder Group on the process
and what hurdles were faced and what is needed to improve the process.
Please fill in this form if you have suggestions/opinions about the
process. It can either be anonymous or you can tell us your name. Please
note the feedback we receive from this survey is only to help the NCSG
policy committee to take the best course of action regarding the
appointment of Board seat 14.
Find the current process here:

Link to the survey:

Please fill in the form as soon as possible (we want to discuss the
feedback with the NCSG policy team and team 14), if you want to have a chat
about the process let us know.

NCSG team 14
Farzaneh, Bruna and Rafik