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Rafik Dammak <[log in to unmask]>
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Rafik Dammak <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 25 Jul 2015 18:08:46 +0900
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Hi everyone,

please find below the update about IANA stewardship & ICANN accountability

Best Regards,

Rafik Dammak & @NCSG_ICANN

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Original link:

Volume 8: An Update on IANA Stewardship Discussions

The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG
<>) has announced
it intends to launch the public comment period for the Interim Final
Proposal to Transition the Stewardship of the IANA Functions on 31 July,
with an end date of around 8 September. The ICG will hold webinars at the
beginning of the public comment period to provide an overview of the
proposal. The most recent version of the ICG's draft proposal is Version 5
Although it is a lengthy document, 206 pages with some material still to be
added, the vast majority of pages consist of the existing proposals that
have reached consensus amongst the protocol parameters, numbering resources
and domain names operational communities. The most significant new text in
the ICG's draft proposal is its own report, currently 10 pages long, at the
front of the proposal. The ICG's report includes the ICG's assessment of
the three proposals from the operational communities to ensure:

   - The community processes used to develop the proposals were open and
   inclusive, and achieved consensus;
   - the proposals are complete and clear;
   - the three proposals together are compatible and interoperable, provide
   appropriate and properly supported accountability mechanisms, and are
   workable; and
   - the proposals together meet the NTIA criteria

For more background on the ICG's assessment of the three proposals, see its
working document,Combined Proposal Assessment Matrix (v2)

The Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (
held its latest face-to-face meeting in Paris, 17-18 July, which was
attended in-person by 76 members and participants in person and an
additional 30 joining remotely. Following legal analysis of the "EmpoweredSO
/AC Model" presented by Adler & Colvin
the lead-up to the meeting, the CCWG-Accountability decided in Paris to
pursue a new model, the "Community Mechanism as Sole Member Model (CMSM)".
This new model builds on the Empowered SO/AC Model that emerged during ICANN
 53 <>, which in turn, built on the
original member and designator models documented in the initial draft report
Work Stream 1 accountability enhancements. The CMSM would be established
under ICANN Bylaws as the one and only member of ICANN. The CMSM would be
composed of ICANN's Supporting Organizations (SOs) and Advisory
Committees (ACs).
While the CMSM would have the status of "legal personhood", the SOs and ACs
themselves are not required to become legally recognized entities. The
possibility of needing to adopt a formal legal status is one of the reasons
that parts of the ICANN community were hesitant about the previously
proposed models, which required SOs and ACs to adopt "legal personhood" if
they wished to have access to "enforceability" mechanisms under the
enhanced accountability framework being proposed.

Members of the Government Advisory Committee (GAC) were active in
contributing to the work of the CCWG-Accountability before Paris, with 31
governments contributing input. These inputs were thenconsolidated into a
single document
the GAC Secretariat and provided to the CCWG-Accountability before the
Paris meeting. The CCWG-Accountability meeting in Paris discussed the
concerns of governments and has acknowledged, in its Communiqué
<> from the meeting,
those concerns as well as the challenge governments face in making
decisions about the new CMSM within the short timeframe available before
ICANN 54 <> in Dublin.

Further, the CCWG-Accountability also reaffirmed in Paris its commitment to
coordinating with the Cross Community Working Group to Develop an IANA
Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions (CWG-Stewardship
on six key dependencies between the CCWG-Accountability's Work Stream 1
work and the work of the CWG-Stewardship:

   1. ICANN Budget
   2. ICANN Board
   3. IANA Function Review
   4. Customer Standing Committee
   5. Appeals Mechanism
   6. Fundamental bylaws

The Paris meeting also resulted in broad agreement on enhancements to the
Independent Review Process (IRP) (see 18 July Session 2 notes
<> for
details). The CCWG-Accountability will create a subgroup to further develop
IRP rules and procedures as well as fine tune the subject matter for IRP.

The CCWG-Accountability plans to publish the second version of its proposal
for a 40-day public comment beginning 31 July and ending 8 September 2015.
The second draft has not yet been published, but the working version will
be published here
Coordination on stewardship-related activities

To enable better communication and understanding of mutual expectations
between working group chairs and ICANN SOs and ACs, ICANN is now supporting
monthly Transition Facilitation Calls
the first which was held July 16 (listen to the audio recording

At the public ICANN Board meeting at ICANN 53, the Board adopted a
expenses for one of the two legal counsels retained by the CWG-Stewardship.
This resulted in discussions about managing resourcing of the IANA Stewardship
Transition and Enhancing ICANN Accountability processes moving forward.
Updates on other transition-related activitiesIANA-related discussions

On 16 July, the IGF-USA 2015 <> held a
discussion on the IANA stewardship transition and ICANNaccountability. The
discussion has been documented in the Storify article, Internet Governance
Forum USA 2015: IANA Transition

On July 29, U.S. Rep. John Shimkus will speak
the Domain Openness Through Continued Oversight Matters (DOTCOM) Act, a
bill which provides a framework for congressional oversight of the
transition. Following his remarks, members of the Internet governance
community will comment on the bill and outlooks for the transition's
progress. The event will be webcast and archived within 24 hours.
Latest documents and drafts

16 Jul 2015

ICG – Combined IANA Stewardship proposal
Draft version 5

14 Jul 2015

CCWG-Accountability – Draft Content for Second Public Comment Report on
Fundamental Bylaws

7 Jul 2015

CCWG-Accountability – Empowered SO/AC Membership & Designator Models for
Community Empowerment (and CMSM variation)
Sidley Austin
IANA stewardship in the news

20 Jul 2015

A fragmentação da Internet só vai servir para reverter as vantagens
económicas e a dinâmica da inovação

Multistakeholder Internet governance: A pathway completed, the road ahead
The Brookings Institution [EN]

15 Jul 2015

The CCWG: From Buenos Aires to Paris to Dublin
Upcoming key dates

29 Jul 2015

ICG Teleconference #21
5:00-7:00 UTC

31 Jul 2015

Public Comment Period for CCWG-Accountability's 2nd draft of
enhancements (Work Stream 1) begins.

Public Comment Period on interim final IANA stewardship proposal,
consisting of names, numbers and protocol parameter components, begins.

3-7 Aug 2015

3 webinars: briefings on ICG combined proposal released for public comment
(times to be confirmed)

8 Sep 2015

Public Comment Period for CCWG-Accountability's 2nd draft of
enhancements (Work Stream 1) closes.

Public Comment Period on interim final IANA stewardship proposal closes
(date TBC).

18-19 Sep 2015

ICG Face-to-Face Meeting
Los Angeles

30 Sep-15 Oct 2015

CCWG-Accountability's 2nd and final proposal (Work Stream 1) presented to
ALAC, ASO, ccNSO, GAC and GNSO for their approval.

18-22 Oct 2015

ICANN 54 <> including ICG Face-to-Face
meeting and presentation of proposals forIANA stewardship and ICANN
enhancements (Work Stream 1) to theICANN Board for subsequent transmission
to the NTIA.

Week 1, Nov 2015

ICANN Board transmits IANA stewardship and ICANN accountability (Work
Stream 1) proposals to NTIA.


*Anyone can participate in discussions about the future of IANA's
stewardship and ICANN accountability. For information on
joining CCWG-Accountability, contact [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>.*

*Compiled on behalf of ICANN by Samantha Dickinson | 23 July 2015*

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